je t'aime,cherie

» SIP on the way!
Saturday, May 30 7:06 PM

i believe its already 50% complete!

(and with only 2-3days' worth of work!)

hurraying for me and gordon and gerald.

lets hope everything sails smoooooth~

50% more! WE CAN DO IT!

, au revoir.

» taken from somewhere on the World Wide Webb.
Monday, May 18 11:33 PM

Pirate Bay founders invent the DDo$ Attack

simply geniuses at work:

The guys from the Pirate Bay have a a 30million SEK fine which they say they won't pay. However they have come up with a plan where all their users can join in which works like this.

Everyone sends a small amount of money in an electronic transfer to the law firm that represnted the music industry. Suggested amount is 1 SEK (equivalent to 0.13 USD. Apparently the law firm's bank account is only allowed 1000 electronic transactions before it starts to cost them, the account holder money.

The charge per transfer at this point is, wait for it... 2 SEK. Thus after the first 1000 SEK, if people send just 1 SEK it will cost the law firm more than the money they receive to process.

Welcome to the Distributed Denial of Dollars attack (DDo$).

, au revoir.

» butcher.
Saturday, May 9 3:29 AM

some ties have been cut,

and there's blood and guts splattered everywhere.

good job waihong,

i salute thee with loving abundance of sarcasm.

at least the deed's been done,

that's why there's blood and guts everywhere.

and now comes the task,

how to clean it up?

, au revoir.

Tuesday, May 5 11:03 PM

this is the start of the third week's delay without my hardware. the PROMISED hardware. yeah and Kerk is too busy to give shit about me and my group.
what faith can you have in your SIP supervisor and the SIP itself when:

1. Your supervisor knows peanuts about the hardware.
2. Your supervisor is too busy to even check if you come to lab everyday.
3. The SIP hardware still has not been shipped to the school (into my hands).

i think me and my guys are screwed big time this semester. and to think i actually made a to-do-list saying "work hard for SIP". what work is there to work hard for when you dont know what you dont know?

things have been pretty erratic in my life. from constant waiting everyday from 830am to 530am, to finding random games to play. not forgetting the physical-chanting-reminder around me all day. yes gerald, you know its you. the locomotive to move just sputters and dies sometimes when im reminded of some things ok? its not exactly the best fuel for me alright?

there are things i want to know, but yet i just dont have the guts to undercover the answer myself. perhaps its the fear of unwanted answers creeping onto me, leaving me in a pool of self-contentment with how things already are.

then again, the other fear - fear of not knowing - clings on to me, coercing me to mush forwards or risk being on the shorter end with no idea why.

i know life is not smooth sailing all the way - and i probably have no rights to complain - but why dont things sometimes just be convenient for me? its been 2 setbacks already, but hey, im no superman.. and i still have some other things on hand which i will not be putting onto this space.

i dont know what to put here anymore. only images are flashing through my head, giving me headaches and mental pressure. i'll be going off now. till another time..

i want to know why
it had to be

, au revoir.