je t'aime,cherie |
» Blood Veins of the System.
Monday, April 27
11:42 PM
just as blood vessels link up the body, patch wires/cables link up the mixer to the equalizer and amplifier, creating one wholly embodiment. Now thats some cool shit [; Dinner was cool, talking about using whole-sized chickens as captain's ball's "ball", or as boxing gloves -.- Imagine having 2 RAW gutted chickens on your fists. and every punch you pull is accompanied by flapping-naked-wings. Not forgetting squishy, squashy, slimey sounds! Gruel isnt it? [: Am i not initiative/gutsy enough as a guy? :S Seriously, im not sure if its peer pressure, or im really retarding down the ladder. Someone give me a pointer or two? GAHH. Chanting names does not help; neither does salutations. I need insight, and maybe tougher balls while im at that. I'm bashful; and its not alright. I want to stand out. I want to do it right.
, au revoir.
» this is what we all should be listening to
1:01 AM
thanks shuhan for the introduction [:
, au revoir.
» just updating..
Sunday, April 26
3:58 AM
SIP's been really really down the dump for the past week. nothing is happening! i mean the hardware's not in yet, and all KERK asks us to do is "brush up your Java". WTF?! and going to school everyday to clock-in at around 830am feels like an insane waste of my sleeping time. thankfully the past week has occupied me with the CCA recruitment drive for 3 days. not a very proud number but PC did get a total of 74 signups! which reminds me i have to email all of them.. well next week's gonna be even more tiring as 2 days introductory workshop comes along and then another 2 days of interview.. AND THEN ITS FOLLOWED BY LABOUR DAY! hurray-.- i shall be ending off this post here. may next week be fruitful for me and my life [; its the big things that make life beautiful; but the littlest things that complete it.
, au revoir.
» new sem resolution!
Sunday, April 19
3:14 PM
today's the last moments of the sem-end holidays, think i've gotten a little fatter over doing nothing, but shouldnt be an issue since school is starting.. although i suspect my SIP/MP will involve me on my ass ALOT ALOT ALOT. just figured i should put up a small list of things to do as well.. 1. work hard!! 2. work HARDER!! 3. exercise more/shape up 4. rearrange my room 5. move in the treadmill to my room! "stay focused waihong! dont stray or your balls will fall off."
, au revoir.
» restaurant city.
Saturday, April 18
10:20 PM
![]() been playing too much of this =.= even now its running on the other browser windows (i have 2 accounts! >.<") school officially opens in 2 more days, and the holidays have seem to just float by unnoticed. it happens every time, every holiday. just as today, i slept at 6am all the way to 6pm. must have been the aircon + closed blinds. seriously this will become a very habit of mine. i'm turning nocturnal somehow. hopefully i can switch back to being a daytime person and obediently go to school to clock in at 8am every-working-day. wish me luck[;
, au revoir.
» Temasek Regatta...
12:05 AM
...was tiring, schwetty.. yet still quite happening [: nothing much else to add cos im too tired already.
, au revoir.
» oops.
Friday, April 17
12:17 AM
sometimes i wished i wasnt such a good information hunter. that would prevent me from seeing things i do not wish to know about. but seems that im too much of a nosyparker.. and damn. my new timetable starts from EIGHTam to SIXpm, FIVEdays a week. kinda like a working class man already. dont you just ADORE my new skin?[; give me color suggestions alrighty? oh why is time so unfair..
, au revoir.
» its been awhile..
Thursday, April 16
8:56 AM
yes as the title says, ITS BEEN A LONG LONG WHILE MY DEAR BLOG! and many much things have happened. Arts Leadership Camp - i got than what i expected from i guess (; possibly not something i cannot handle, just havent been in touch with my other side for some time already. not to say i've been constantly in touch with it before. this time, its some new, different. though i dare not challenge my preferences.
than i guess it's just my luck. and i should probably scrub/bleach my tongue. and actually to think it all started from the 10cent coin. thats a tiny spark, and i guess i was laden with fuel(full of fats to ignite). its a slow journey from here on out, hopefully things goes well! and facebook is a wonderous website(; well i'd be going to school, just like i've did so since start of april, and perhaps i'll get lucky? i'll leave y'all to your imagination how lucky i could get(: im off[: ps. if you visitors have noticed, you have been redirected to my new blog link (;
, au revoir.